Hi Neighbors,
We as an HOA have a vested interest in the health of Canyon Creek, and it's important that we share the information on issues affecting the creek with our homeowners. There are events coming up to gather community members to advocate for our interests, specifically in the Nutrient Farms PUD hearings. There's a group that's helping to organize in protecting the natural flow of Canyon Creek. They now have a website where you can gather more information directly.
The most pressing event is an organizational event in order to prepare for the Planning and Zoning hearing coming up.
EVENT: Friends of Canyon Creek (FOCC) Informational Gathering
DATE: March 2nd, 2025 at 4pm
LOCATION: Bear Wallow Ranch, Top of Canyon Creek
EVENT: Planning and Zoning Hearing
DATE: March 12th, 2025 at 6pm
LOCATION: Garfield County Admin Building, BOCC Meeting Room 100
108 8th Street, Glenwood Springs